not display date in past



Thank you for looking at my question.

I have a table that is full of information about phones and their
locations...we can call it a service file. The service file will contain
information such as the PhoneID, location, model, start of service, warranty
expiration, serial number, etc...

The thing to know is that anytime a phone is replaced, a new service file is
created....that means that the table could contain multiple records with the
same PhoneID. I can use a max query to determine which date is the most
recent...but here is the issue.

I have been asked to prepare a list of all of our phone assets and to
include the warranty expiration date...only if it occurs in the future. If
the warranty is expired they want that field to be empty because the phone
has no warranty. This is easy enough to do manually...but unfortunately it
needs to be in a query that is part of a reporting tool. SO, any ideas on
how I could make this happen as part of a query.

Thank you in advance for anyone who looks at this question. Any and all
suggestions are greatly appreciated.


Jeff Boyce


It sounds like you want to see records with a [Expiration] > Date() (today's
date). You could use this as a selection criterion in a query.


Jeff Boyce
Microsoft Office/Access MVP

John Spencer

Try using a calculated field.

Field: Warranty: IIF([WarrantyDate]>Date(),[WarrantyDate],Null)

In a query that will show the value of the field if the field is after
the current date, otherwise it will show null(blank).

John Spencer
Access MVP 2002-2005, 2007-2008
Center for Health Program Development and Management
University of Maryland Baltimore County

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