Not able to view eps or pdf files



I purchased the 2003 version of FrontPage and since this I can not insert or even view a eps or pdf file for uploading. If I go to Insert them to picture I can navigate to my pictures but I only see Gif or Jpag files. Before I installed 2003 I could upload a eps file and FrontPage would convert the image to a gif or jpeg file after uploading to the server. Any body having the same problem.

Jim Buyens

The normal procedure is to drag the PDF file from Windows
Explorer into the FrontPage Folder list, and then
hyperlink to it as if it were a Web page.

<a href="abc.pdf">Display PDF File</a>

Pictures have nothing to do with it.

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
|| Troubleshooting Microsoft FrontPage 2002
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
|| (All from Microsoft Press)

-----Original Message-----
I purchased the 2003 version of FrontPage and since this
I can not insert or even view a eps or pdf file for
uploading. If I go to Insert them to picture I can
navigate to my pictures but I only see Gif or Jpag files.
Before I installed 2003 I could upload a eps file and
FrontPage would convert the image to a gif or jpeg file
after uploading to the server. Any body having the same

Stefan B Rusynko

FP never "converted" images to another format unless you saved them from the page at design time
- you should be converting your images w/ an image editor before you File Import them into your FP Site

FP Insert Picture from File is limited to
..gif, jpg, jpeg, wmf, bmp, dib, png
- only the first 3 are globally supported by all browsers

| I purchased the 2003 version of FrontPage and since this I can not insert or even view a eps or pdf file for uploading. If I go to
Insert them to picture I can navigate to my pictures but I only see Gif or Jpag files. Before I installed 2003 I could upload a eps
file and FrontPage would convert the image to a gif or jpeg file after uploading to the server. Any body having the same problem.

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