
I know EXCEL has functions for both the NORMAL DISTRIBUTION and the
cumulative value thereof...

but is it possible to graph this data..

(I imagine if I sort the data and then calculate the cum. distributions into
a column...then chart it, it should work; BUT IS THERE ANOTHER WAY?)

thank you,



I do not know who you are, but I am very impressed. I am a
Calculus/Statistics instructor; I only wish to apply my extensive
mathematical skills with EXCEL; your site is certainly great...

Next, can you possibly help me with the (integral..under the curve)...I
believe we insert true...,etc?

Mangesh Yadav


First of all I want to clarify that this is not my site. It belongs to
Tushar Mehta (

I haven't checked the addin, but follow the method on his site by entering
the range -4 to 4 in column A, you could skip column B for mean=0 and
stdev=1. In C, enter the formula for Normdist as mentioned on the site.

Now the extra part. In column D, enter
where K1 has a z value, the left of which you want the portion blackened.

Now plot both the columns (C and D) in an area chart with no fill for the C
plot, and a black fill for the D part.

E.g. The cell K1 will have a z value like say -1, and in the area chart will
have the area left of -1 blackened.

Using TRUE in column C formula will give you the cummulative distribution.



thank you...however one more question...i tried graphing the normaldist using
the name, define routines..i.e.creating a graph using formulas..

when i get to the series tab, and i insert, for x, =NormCurveXVals, i get a
reference error..

in other words, i cannot, YET, make it work..

i believe my formulas are all entered correctly in the name, define section,
but the chart wizard will Not accept my X value.

Can you be of more assistance?


Mangesh Yadav


Before I start getting into NamedRanges, did you try without using the named
ranges. It works wihtout as well. Simple enter the range in the graph.



I am not sure what the range in the graph is...
I follow this instruction:

Next, plot the normal curve. Click any cell that does not contain data and
has no adjacent cell with data. Click the Chart Wizard and select the XY
Scatter chart (sub type Smoothed line with no markers) as in the 'Enumerating
a set of points in a worksheet' section. In the 2nd step of the wizard,
select the Series tab, then the Add button. Specify the names as the x- and
Finally, format the chart as desired.

And then, I get lost..

What do I insert in the chart wizard under ranges/




I am almost there....when I go to EVALUATE under formula auditing, I see the
x values completed and in column c1:c30....and I see the y values arrayed out

this occurs when i input =NormCurveXVals and =NormCurveYVals...but i still
do NOT see it graphed...

can you assist me??


I do not know how to add fill for the D part!!

Mangesh Yadav said:

First of all I want to clarify that this is not my site. It belongs to
Tushar Mehta (

I haven't checked the addin, but follow the method on his site by entering
the range -4 to 4 in column A, you could skip column B for mean=0 and
stdev=1. In C, enter the formula for Normdist as mentioned on the site.

Now the extra part. In column D, enter
where K1 has a z value, the left of which you want the portion blackened.

Now plot both the columns (C and D) in an area chart with no fill for the C
plot, and a black fill for the D part.

E.g. The cell K1 will have a z value like say -1, and in the area chart will
have the area left of -1 blackened.

Using TRUE in column C formula will give you the cummulative distribution.



okay...please show me the 2 examples that i require:

1) how to input the x and y range values into the chart for the normal
curve...i had used, for X, =NormCurveXVals, and for Y, =NormCurveYVals

2) how to "fill" the graph for the integral of the normdist

pls contact me at (e-mail address removed).



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