nonexsistant data appearing


Ken Ivins

Okay here is a truly strange one (at least to me).
I created a report with a variety of address textboxes.

=Trim([suFrstNam] & " " & [sultan] & " " & [suSufix])
=Trim([suCity] & ", " & [suState] & " " & [suPostalCode])

On one record (and only one), the Address 1 data appeared on two lines (8
Main St), plus the Address 2 data (Apt 2) appeared on the next line. I was
able to get it to disappear by changing the "Can Grow" property to "no."
That is no big deal, but I was curious why it was doing it.

Here is the strange part. I changed the data in the original table (to 47
MAIN STREET). Now 47 MAIN STREET appears like it should but 8 Main St shows
up on the next line and Apt 2 shows on the next line.

I can not find "8 Main St" in any table. Is this cashed somewhere? Maybe
hidden data? It appears on two different computers.

Hopefully someone has an idea that will enlighten me.

Ken Ivins

Ken Ivins

Never mind I found it.

Somehow the data got entered in the same field but on the next line (shift


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