Non-updateable query issue


Jake F

I'm trying to make an updateable query to add the date to my main table after
a select query is sent so that duplicate info is not sent everytime. I
already have one that updates after a report is done to change a yes/no field
to yes. The difference in what I'm doing with this one is the related fields
between the two tables, the primary table fields are keys. I tried using the
query that i run to get the userids for changing on the main table, but
assuming that was the problem i put the userids into a new table when the
select query is run and then relate that new table with the main table so
that the userid's that are updated are only the ones the select query pulled
up. I haven't used update querries much so any ideas would be greatly

Jerry Whittle

If you are using something like a Distinct or Group By clause, the query is
not updateable. Also if you are joining multiple tables, that can also cause
a query to be not updateable especially if using an Update query. Here's
some more info:

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