No Web Site Administration Tool after Deployment??



I am finding this hard to believe...

Is there really no way to access the Web Site Administration Tool when
a site is deployed?

I know I can open it on my local computer running VS.Net, but what
about live production sites that are supposed to use this technology?
Do I have to write my own interface to do everything the developer tool
already does?


In case anyone comes across this...

Q: Can you use a version of the WSAT with a production website?
A: No

Q: Doesn't this mean that the Membership/Roles/Login stuff with ASP.NET
2.0 is pretty much useless?
A: Yes, unless you are going to create your own custom providers.

What a waste.


I always wondered about this; but not had the chance to check this out.
So, you mean after your site is deployed and lets say, you need to
modify a role for a user, you can't do this remotely? So, in other
words, you sill have to buid your own Admin section to manage your
users? If so, wow. I never saw that coming after all the hype of 75%
less code.



Unless you can use visual studio as the front end to attach to the data
store where you are keeping your users and roles, you can't do anything
after you put your website into production (unless you write all the
code to deal it).

So I guess you can reuse some stuff like maybe the SPs that are
generated and whatever, but in my case it would be faster for me to
just code it from scratch than to figure out their SPs and schema.



Unless you can use visual studio as the front end to attach to the data
store where you are keeping your users and roles, you can't do anything
after you put your website into production (unless you write all the
code to deal it).

So I guess you can reuse some stuff like maybe the SPs that are
generated and whatever, but in my case it would be faster for me to
just code it from scratch than to figure out their SPs and schema.


After doing some research on this it seems like You can call into the
Roles API and Membership API through code, so, if you need to be able
to add, delete, or modify roles and users then you would have to create
an admin section where you have to create the UI to perfom this
functionality. Its the same way you would do it in 1.1, however, the
only difference is that you don't have to write the database code to
add a role, delete a role, add a user, delete a user, etc...all you
have to do is use the Membership and Role API to do this.

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