No System Restore



I have a Dimension 4500 Windows XP. I added an additional
drive to pc a few days ago. I made the new one my boot
drive and the old one additional storage. I hardly ever
restore a previous point or create manual check points
but I attempted to open the System Restore but kept
getting that error screen that tells you to send report
to Microsoft.

I tried getting into the System Restore tab in System
Maintenance but received the following message:

Shell32.dll, control_RunDLL
C:/windows/system32/sysdm.cpl, system

I've tried a few of the options from the knowledge base
one being going into Safe Mode and looking for a sr.inf
but all that is there is a sr.pnf which I can't do
anything with.

Is there any other options I have to repair the System

Ted Zieglar aka Rocky

Think for a minute...Your old restore points recognized your original hard
drive as the boot drive. Now you have a new boot drive. Your old restore
points will not work. Remove them all and set a new restore point.

Ted Zieglar
formerly "Rocket J. Squirrel"


I can't access it do anything. I don't remember if after
running compmgmt or going into computer managment, but I
found a error log that on 7/31 System Restore failed and
would not function again until 200MB was available.

When I installed the drive I just let the software
format, partition, and copy. It's an 80GB drive.

So I don't know when the problem occurred but maybe it
has to do with the way I installed the drive.

I just need to find out if this is fixable or will I have
to reinstall Windows XP.


can you access system restore through the SYSTEM applet in CONTROL panel?

(I'm wondering if the start menu shortcut is broken or the applet is


I can't access it through the control panel or from Start-
Accessories-System Tools.

When I try to access it from the Control Panel that's
when I get the shell32.dll... error and through the Start
Menu it doesn't give me a reason except the option to
send to Microsoft.

Maybe I need to try using the Windows XP cd?



I'm having the exact same problem after I moved my WinXP
partition to a new hard drive.

Did you get it fixed without re-installing XP?

Thanks, Nick


JBain said:
I found a fix for this problem here:

I had the same thing, and this worked!

Good luck!

I installed a new Maxtor hard drive some time ago. I don't know how long my
System Restore has not been working, but I just discovered that it wasn't. I
tried the fix at the link above, but it didn't work. When I got to the last
step, pressing the "Apply" button, all I got was the hourglass and then a
message saying it had encountered a problem. I think my problem has something
to do with the new hard drive, but I can't find a solution.


why should this be so obvious ?
why should the user have to think a minute to solve a system design fault ?
your post unfairly implies a level of stupidity of the unfortunate victim of
a MS problem

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