no sound using Window Media player



2 days ago i was using the Window Media Player. Since the most recent MS
update. I am unable to hear sound from the speakers. THe last update
automaticaly downloaded Windows SP3. Will that have anything to do with the
Should I uninstall WMP and go to teh web site and reinstall version 10?

Mike Williams

DTP said:
2 days ago i was using the Window Media Player. Since the most recent MS
update. I am unable to hear sound from the speakers. THe last update
automaticaly downloaded Windows SP3. Will that have anything to do with the
Should I uninstall WMP and go to teh web site and reinstall version 10?

There is NO Windows XP SP3. It's not due for another year or so.

Mike Williams

DTP said:
Here is the site for the SP3 update
However even though the SP3 download was unseccesful this is when I started
to have problems. Windows automaticaly updated the Microsoft Media player to
version 10 now I do not have any sound tyhe old version was 9. Microsoft
states that there is currently no support for version 9
Any suggestion on what to do next?

OK - That's *OFFICE* XP SP3 not *WINDOWS* XP SP3. Are you actually
running Office XP too? Think very carefully as the two are not interrelated.

If you downloaded a whole lot of unrelated fixes, did you happen to
notice if WMP10 was included amongst them? It's not a compulsory update..

Where do you read "Microsoft states that there is currently no support
for version 9".?


This is the message I get when trying to download WMP.
This version of Windows Media Technologies is incompatible with this version
of Windows. For more information, view the information at the Microsoft web

Mike Williams

DTP said: is
the site that states version 9 is no longer available.
Yes I am using WindowsXP and Office 2003. Does this info help in determing
what I need to do to download WMP?

Well if you have Office 2003, downloading service packs for Office XP
won't help you at all.

If you have Windows XP, then you just roll back to WMP v9 by
uninstalling it via Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs. Make sure [ ]
Show Updates is checked.

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