No sound in 2003 Pwr Pt presentation after installing one track

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Question: No sound after inputing one sound track for Pwr Pt 2003
presentation of 25 slides for a slide show - want the sound track of 6 mins
to simply play from start of slide show through the 25 slides -- read and
followed instructions for doing just this but no sound at all -- any
Is the sound embedded? If it's linked try making the path to it shorter.
Create a folder with a short path ideally on the C:/ drive but the desktop is
probably OK. Save the presentation to this folder, place the sound in that
folder and reinsert.

We have tutorials on embedding sound and making sound play across
presentations at our free tutorial pages here
You might find that some of the information in this entry from the PPT FAQ
helps you out:
Play sounds across multiple slides (A WAV runs through it)

If not, post back with some more information on how you added the sound and
where the sound file came from so that we can help. (For example, did you
add music from a file or from a CD? How did you save the sound track?) The
more you tell us, the more we can help!

Kathy Jacobs, Microsoft MVP OneNote and PowerPoint
Author of Kathy Jacobs on PowerPoint
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