No referer page for SWF files


Kevin Spencer

The HTTP_REFERER is the URL of the page from which the current page was
reached via a link from another page. If the current instance of the browser
is new, with no prior URLs in it (as in you just opened the browser and
typed in the URL, rather than navigating to the current page via hyperlink
from another location), there will be no HTTP_REFERER. It has nothing to do
with content in the page.

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
I get paid good money to
solve puzzles for a living

Raed Sawalha

In my aspx page I need to check the HTTP_REFERER for (images swf ) file, so
when I request the server variable (HTTP_REFERER) like this
Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_REFERER"] within (page.aspx) . if the
page.aspx contain only SWF the referer returned empty.
but if JPG or GIF and referer returned as page.aspx so why the referer is
empty for SWF files..


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