No If-None-Match header sent for gzip encoded pages!



IE 6 caches gzip encoded responses, but doesn't send the If-None-Match header on subsequent requests for that document (ETags were provided in the server response)
I've tried adding a Vary: Accept-Encoding header to the server response but that doesn't help :

Any ideas how to get this working

Many thanks and best regards

Robert Aldwinckle

Fabian said:
IE 6 caches gzip encoded responses, but doesn't send the If-None-Match
header on subsequent requests for that document
(ETags were provided in the server response).

It may depend on your checking option. E.g. you would be most likely
to see it if you had: Check... Every visit... (Alt-T,O,Alt-S,E)

I've tried adding a Vary: Accept-Encoding header to the server response but that doesn't help :(

Another user discovered that IE seems to interpret that header
in some way that prevents caching; so that is not surprising.
It would be an interesting example though if you found that it was
Any ideas how to get this working?

Post a link?

Many thanks and best regards,


Robert Aldwinckle

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