No events fired on PostBack

  • Thread starter Matthias Wohlmann
  • Start date

Matthias Wohlmann

here is my problem:
I have a quite big webproject written in C# running on a server with
IIS. The application includes many controls (buttons, ...) that do
PostBacks and fire something like a Button_Click event. All client
computers use Internet Explorer 6.0 and everything is working fine on
most clients exept for two Windows 2000 Terminal Servers: When I press
a button there, a PostBack is done, the Page_Load method is called, but
the Button_Click method for the event is NOT called (I can see this in
a log-file).
Things I already tried:
- call with and without proxy
- Setting IE security to "low"
- Check for JavaScript errors on client --> not errors
- Check event-logs on Server --> no special events
- Check IIS-logs on Server --> Output looks the same for a working
request from another client and a not-working request

Does anyone have ideas, what else I can try to get the events to work?

thank you,

S. Justin Gengo

I had a few user's computers at work behave this way (also Windows 2000).
After doing a windows update to make certain they had all the latest updates
the problem went away.


S. Justin Gengo, MCP
Web Developer / Programmer

"Out of chaos comes order."


I get this error sometimes when I am working on C# web project.
Sometimes the event wiring in the InitializeComponent() section in the
Page_OnInit get disabled. I would remove the button.Click +=
System.EventHandler(button_click) if its there and double click on the
button again in the Page to re-wire everything. This issue is usually
fixed once I do this. Hope this helps.

Matthias Wohlmann

I know that error, but in my case, all events work except for two
windows 2000 computers....


S. Justin Gengo


Sorry to hear that. I was hoping that was it.

Well, other things to check are that these machines don't have javascript or
other necessary browser capabilities turned off.


S. Justin Gengo, MCP
Web Developer / Programmer

"Out of chaos comes order."

S. Justin Gengo


That's a good article, but doesn't apply here. The postbacks are working on
every machine but windows 2000. So the script library has to be there...


S. Justin Gengo, MCP
Web Developer / Programmer

"Out of chaos comes order."

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