No Connection Available



When I open Internet Explorer, I am receiving the error
No connection to the internet is currently available. Try
Again or Work Offline. I have done a virus scan, tried
changing internet options to always use my default
connection, toggled the automatically detect settings.
Nothing seems to be working. Any ideas?


I've had the same issue. This afternoon I dialed out fine, then about a
hour later or so, my wife tried to and it came with the same message. I've
made sure my connection settings are set to dial automatically, but to no
avail. Oddly, MSN Explorer seems to work fine. It seems like something
specifically with IE.

Keep me posted.



I found the solution to this, I think. Do you have the Google toolbar
installed and running? If so, uninstall it (Control Panel > Add/Remove
Programs). I did that and it fixed the problem immediately. The only thing
I was using it for anyhow was for a pop-up blocker, and I just downloaded
another freeware one that somebody posted a link to around here.

Here's the download site:
He has two versions, a freeware one, and a shareware one you can purchase
for $20. I just downloaded the free one.



i get the same problem, but nothing changed when i removed the google toolbar. also, i ve been having the problem for a long time. any other ideas?

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