No Bootable Devices



I have clean installed Vista Business on Dell Laptop. It works fine as long
as Windows CD is in the drive. When I take out the CD and restart the
computer it says "No Bootable devices, press F1 to start from CD. Please
help. It just refuses to bootup from hard drive. I have reinstalled
everything 3 times so far.

Please, please help before I go mad.


I have clean installed Vista Business on Dell Laptop. It works fine as long
as Windows CD is in the drive. When I take out the CD and restart the
computer it says "No Bootable devices, press F1 to start from CD. Please
help. It just refuses to bootup from hard drive. I have reinstalled
everything 3 times so far.

Please, please help before I go mad.

In BIOS setup, make sure the BIOS is set to boot from the correct hard


Thanks for your reply.

How do I check the hard drive from BIOS

Secondly I have downloaded vistabootpro. It seems very technical to me. What
am I supposed to do with it. I have tried to run it, but it has made no
difference, so far.

Please advise.

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