No access, Firewall problem?



This is probably a very common problem and one that has a very straight
forward solution, but I'm afraid that my geek-qualities are in other,
non-windows fields, why I am totally unable to solve it myself.

Running windows XP and connected with a BT Voyager router.

Until recently no problems, but now:

- Router has power, ethernet and dsl
- Network connections says connected and has packages coming both in
and out
- Yet I still can't access the internet (Explorer) and get errors when
trying to send/receive in Outlook

When I restart computer and router I get a connection for a short while
before it goes out the window(s) again...
Same happens if I try to make a new connection.

I am of course thinking Firewall, since I appear to have a connection
(according to network connections). So I tried to disable the windows
firewall, but I couldn't since it said that these settings were under a
"group setting". Anyway; I am not to keen about disabling a firewall
since it is supposed to be some sort of protection.

Anyone who can shed any light on the matter????



Since I'm not at the computer at the moment, apparently I got two bits
mixed up:

- It's of course due to "Group Policies" in the Firewall menu that I'm
unable to change the setting for the firewall and not "Group Settings".

- The firewall is actually off!!!!! So now I have no idea....


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