Next Step beyond Access



I have posted this message in .net group as well. But I wanted to get some
other opinions.

I have learned a great deal from this group in creating applications in
Access 2002 with Visual Basic code. I'm not a MVP.... yet.... but I'm still

What is the next step to create applications that can be used as a more
stand-alone app or possibly with a web front end?
There seems to be many choices from Visual Basic Studio and .net framework.
Eventually, I would want to be able to create a CD for user's to install the
stand alone application I created.
I learned Access from reading the 3,000 pages of Access Developer's Handbook
and the assistance of this fine user group, so I'm not looking for a quick
but limited solution... on the other hand, I don't want to spend $5,000 on
something either.

Steve Schapel


If you want a web frontend, you are not talking Access. Maybe ASP.Net.

But if you are talking desktop functionality, Access is a good choice
for me. I have a couple of "shrink-wrap" applications that I distribute
on CD (or via download), with an Access Runtime installation. There are
plenty of examples of very successful applications out there based on
this concept.


David said:
I learned Access from reading the 3,000 pages of Access Developer's Handbook
and the assistance of this fine user group, so I'm not looking for a quick
but limited solution... on the other hand, I don't want to spend $5,000 on
something either.

If you're needs at the moment are platforms to learn .net you can't
beat the VS Express editions.

On the other hand, web development can be done with a text editor
and freely available technologies like css, html, javascript, php,
asp, the xmlHttpRequest object etc.

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