Next Friday's Date Using Cell Formulae



I have within my spreadsheet the requirement for two dates to be shown.

The first is simple to create, todays date.


The second requires a little more knowledge to obtain.

I need the second date to show the date of the next friday afte
Today's date, unless todays date is a friday, and then the second dat
will also whow today's date.

Thanks for any help you can give!

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused

Ron de Bruin

Try this with =Now() in J1

=IF(WEEKDAY(J1,2)= 5,NOW(),NOW()+5-WEEKDAY(J1,2))

I use weekday type 2 (that = monday =1)

Tom Ogilvy


where B3 holds the date, or substitute that with Today()


If you won't look at the sheet on weekends, you can remove the Last part

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