Newsgroup not available (attn: Kelly (mvp))



I am trying to retrieve a response from Kelly (MVP)
regarding a ".Ink" problem and ever since late afternoon
yesterday, I keep getting "Newsgroup Not Available". I
tried again today and can only get as far as about 2-3
pages and no further because I will get the same not
available message. Search is of not help, only
returns "nothing found". Is anyone else experiencing
this problem?



**Kelly, if you are reading this, you provided me with
some links to help my ".Ink" problem, but can't run them
as I cannot run any programs, executables or VBS's. If
you could forward any responses since your initial reply
to this post....Thanks**


Stop using the web based news group reader and setup outlook express to read
this group. Use your isp's news server if available.

Ray at

Use MS's news server for these groups. There's no need for a middleman
server. That'll just cause delays and dropped messages.

Ray at work


Not quite. The ms servers always/frequntly act up. Locking out everyone, not
posting messages, running extremly slow, not connecting, repeat posts,
missing posts and headers, etc..... I guess you missed the last few weeks
and the few days last month and the few days the month before and so on,
where the ms servers just were not working correctly at all. Since I
switched to my isps news server I never have a prob and message post in less
than 10 seconds. Even when all the mvp and regulars were locked out cause
the ms server was down, I was able to post and use the group like normal.
The ms servers are flacky at best. And most any regular in here would agree.
One person last week threatened to kill an ms employee cause the servers
never work right. He lost it cause the ms servers are always going down.

The Unknown P

The administrator must have been making changes or doing
some house cleaning. The problem now seems to be fixed. As
for the Web reader versus Outlook issue. I use the Web
reader as Outlook and Outlook Express are old and outdated
and quite frankly useless antiques that should be laid to
rest. There is nothing wrong with web based reading. I
have never experienced any difficulties. But then it maybe
simply a matter of knowing how to configure it and if you
don't know what you are doing maybe the Outlook route is
easier. Keep smiling.

Ray at

No, I noticed all the nonsense over the past few weeks. It seems to be all
fixed now. Thank God! I guess it all depends on your news server you use
then as far as reliability. I personally just feel that it is better to
send and receive right from the source. Minimizing hops is good!

Ray at work


I can't get past page 2 in the General Newsgroup. When I
try to open the New user, Performance & Maintenance, or
Setup & Deployment Newsgroups, I am told they are not

Gordon Burgess-Parker

The said:
The administrator must have been making changes or doing
some house cleaning. The problem now seems to be fixed. As
for the Web reader versus Outlook issue. I use the Web
reader as Outlook and Outlook Express are old and outdated
and quite frankly useless antiques that should be laid to
rest. There is nothing wrong with web based reading.

there's *EVERYTHING* wrong with web based reading! Have you tried doing a
search using it?
That's why we get 120,000 posts about OE denying access to attachments and
10,000 posts about "Can't customise Outlook Today" and tens of thousands of
posts about "Is my version ox XP 32 bit or 64 bit"?
And the VAST majority of posters are using *WEB ACCESS*. Most of them don't
know about clicking on the "+" sign to see a reply so they think no-one's
replied and just post the same question again! They don't even bother to go
one or two pages back to see if anyone else has had the same problem!

have never experienced any difficulties. But then it maybe
simply a matter of knowing how to configure it

You CAN'T configure web reading! It's either on or off!

Gordon Burgess-Parker

Gordon said:
there's *EVERYTHING* wrong with web based reading! Have you tried
doing a search using it?
That's why we get 120,000 posts about OE denying access to
attachments and 10,000 posts about "Can't customise Outlook Today"
and tens of thousands of posts about "Is my version ox XP 32 bit or
64 bit"?
And the VAST majority of posters are using *WEB ACCESS*. Most of them
don't know about clicking on the "+" sign to see a reply so they
think no-one's replied and just post the same question again! They
don't even bother to go one or two pages back to see if anyone else
has had the same problem!

You CAN'T configure web reading! It's either on or off!

I would also add that the Web reader does NOT put "Re:" at the beginning of
the subject in a reply so you don't know (unless you are familiar with a
thread) whether it's a new thread or not!


Charlie, I noticed that the groups were out of service myself. I have seen
this problem go on for up to 36 hours. Meanwhile, take a few minutes and
join the OE newsreader crowd! It is very user-friendly, with great "bells
and whistles." You wll never believe you put up with what you now use!
Empower yourself today!

Alex Nichol Says:

You would get on much better using OE;
if you go to, follow the link on 'Post to
news groups' to
and follow through there to Outlook Express and its TELL ME HOW, you get
to a comprehensive tutorial

Sir_George says:
For better access to newsgroups;


OE MVP Tom Koch's excellent page on using the OE newsreader to access the

Tom's "Inside Outlook Express" which is considered the OE "bible"


All the more reason to broaden your options, and be able to choose the
service which gives optimal performance AT THE MOMENT.


"They don't even bother to go one or two pages back to see if anyone else
has had the same problem!"
And the reason they don't is because it is such a b*tch to do so. OE


Luci, I noticed that the groups were out of service myself. I have seen
this problem go on for up to 36 hours. Meanwhile, take a few minutes and
join the OE newsreader crowd! It is very user-friendly, with great "bells
and whistles." You wll never believe you put up with what you now use!
Empower yourself today!

Alex Nichol Says:

You would get on much better using OE;
if you go to, follow the link on 'Post to
news groups' to
and follow through there to Outlook Express and its TELL ME HOW, you get
to a comprehensive tutorial

Sir_George says:
For better access to newsgroups;


OE MVP Tom Koch's excellent page on using the OE newsreader to access the

Tom's "Inside Outlook Express" which is considered the OE "bible"

Gordon Burgess-Parker

cimex said:
"They don't even bother to go one or two pages back to see if anyone
else has had the same problem!"
And the reason they don't is because it is such a b*tch to do so. OE

Well I wouldn't describe clicking on a ">>" as a bitch.........


Reading horrible type
Not being able to highlight
Reading horrible type
Not being able to highlight...

Tha's a regular b*tch, it is!

Cindy Winegarden

The Unknown P said:
..... As
for the Web reader versus Outlook issue. I use the Web
reader as Outlook and Outlook Express are old and outdated
and quite frankly useless antiques that should be laid to

Hi Unknown,

While I respect your preferences for reading news, I take issue with your
saying that some methods are "old and outdated."

Outlook has never been an NNTP news reader. I'd hate to think that my
installation of Outlook 2003 is "old and outdated" before it's even become
publicly available. I'd also hate to think that Outlook Express, with the
latest modifications that prevent scripts and dangerous downloads, is

When I read news I download the messages and read through them rather
quickly. With a web-based reader you have to wait for each one to load. In
OE I've set up extensive rules to call my attention to posts I might be
interested in. How do you do that with the CDO interface? Furthermore, can
you hide posts you've read? Can you mark posts you want to come back to?


Yes you can. You can do alot with rules. And if you think that outlook
xp(2002) or outlook 2003 are out dated and old, then you don't use either
product, and if you use either one you don't use it correctly. Outlook can
do so much you have to ask yourself, what do I want it to do. It is very
programmable with custom forms and such, can collaborate with others on your
LAN in it, you can use a journal to track your emails and documents and
changes to them, you can set up tasks for other on the LAN to complete and
the task show on their computer until they finish it and mark it as so then
outlook tells you it's done, calendar with reminders, advanced rules
capability to block and filter emails, can connect to hotmail inside its
interface, you can have a to-do list in it, you can schedule appointments
with others and publish your calendar so others know when your available, it
can connect to http, pop3, imap, and exchange servers, has integrated
instant messaging, you can also use it as a browser and surf the net with
it, etc...... These are just a few of the more advanced things it does. The
only email client that comes close to outlook is probably lotus notes. No
other client comes close.


OOPS! I think there must have been a double-negative in Cindy's post that
you missed. We were both speaking in FAVOR of OE, and against the CDO. So,
we are all on the same side. :>)

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