
May 10, 2005
Reaction score
Just Signed up

Mikey from south manchester

Work with computers and a hobbie
Like to play music too

Look forward to adding post's

Laters all

Nice to meet you Mikey, there are quite a few Mancunians here ;)
Welcome to our part of cyberspace :)

As Bex said, there are quite a few Mancunians here, you never know you might bump into your neighbour on this board :D
...and some who were born in Nottingham, went to Manchester Poly and now live elsewhere in Lancashire!

Welcome m8:thumb:
Welcome Baseline!!

You'll find friendly, helpful people here!!

Gabriella x
Welcome! (from another Mancunian too ;), what a small world!)
What you mean by YANKS!!!! Well maybe you don't mean me. Sorry. Uhhhhh............... Hi base line welcome - play music cool, me too- Guitar look forward to your posts.
Hi Baseline9

looking forward to reading your posts...were all very friendly on here and none of us least i don't think so.....:D
Thanks for the smashing response

I found the web site just by looking around in Google, fate I chose the site with lots of manc's around huraaaa! :)

Hi BaseLine9, and welcome to the PC-Review community.
We do hope you enjoy your stay here. :)