newbie to ASP.Net 2.0 having trouble with images



I've made plenty of sites with ASP.NEt, but I just started a new project
using 2.0 and right off the bat I'm having trouble with images. Here's what
I did:
Created an aspx page
Added a Server Image Control and set the source to an image that I have
added to my "App_Data" folder
Hit F5 to debug and the image isn't showing up, bad path I'm sure.

I'm not really sure what else I need to do? The new develpoment server
feature seems neat, but it's got me a little unclear just where the files
need to be. Do I need to copy them somewhere?

The url of the image (from right click in the browser) is:

and the url of the page is: http://localhost:1313/web/Default2.aspx

Looking at the file structure those paths seem correct.
Anyone have any ideas?


Oh, i think I know what it is. App_Data must have special permissions or
something, images in that folder don't work but images in a new folder I
created called "Images" do.
Lesson learned.

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