Newbie - the difference between <%: %> and <%= %>


Zalek Bloom

Is there any difference between <%: %> and <%= %> ?

I noticed in a code I copied there was: <%: ViewData["Test1Message"]

I changed it to <%= ViewData["Test1Message"] %> and got the same

So <%: and <%= can be used to display a data?



Jeff Johnson

Is there any difference between <%: %> and <%= %> ?

<%: %> ??? Really? I've never seen this, but I'm no Web guru either. I've
definitely seen <%# %>, which I associate with data binding, but never the
version with the colon.

I asked my co-worker if there was any difference between <%# %> and <%= %>
and he said

"The pound-sign denotes late-bound evaluation, while the absence of it
denotes early-bound evaluation. But, most of the time, they achieve
identical effects."

Then I asked if he'd ever seen <%: %>

"Not that I can recall."

And Pete's right: you've got a much better chance of getting answers to
these kinds of questions in an ASP.NET-specific group. And nowadays that
pretty much means you have to find a Web forum.

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