Scott Gordo
Thanks in advance. I have the feeling I've made a small rookie
oversight either in Access or with my asp page and need some
First, here's the firefox error page I'm getting:
Press Release Output
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Could not use '(unknown)';
file already in use.
/pressRelForm/output.asp, line 15
I've created a simple access .mdb for press releases.
The name of the db is "pr.mdb".
The name of the table is "tblPR". There's only one.
The Field Names are "mmddyy" (Date/Time), "Title" (Text), "ReleaseID"
(AutoNumber, Primary Key), "PRContents" (Memo).
Each field has some dummy content.
I then placed it onto a test web server we'll call WEBTEST.
I then set the ODBC on WEBTEST with the following:
System DSN tab
-- Name: pr
-- Driver: Microsoft Access Driver (.mdb)
-- Hit "Select..." button, goes to correct directory:
* Nothing in place under Advanced for login name/password.
Then, insite c:\inetpub\wwwroot\pressrelform\, I created a page called
This is the page's code. It's simple stuff. Line 15 is the
Connect.Open "pr"
<% Option Explicit %>
<!-- #include virtual="common/adovbs.inc" -->
<H1>Press Release Output</H1>
Dim Connect, ReleaseListing
Set Connect = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Connect.Open "pr"
Set ReleaseListing = Connect.Execute("SELECT * FROM pr ORDER BY
do until ReleaseListing.EOF
<%=pr("mmddyy")%> <br>
<%=pr("Title")%> <br>
<%=pr("PRContents")%> <p>
<% ReleaseListing.MoveNext
loop %>
I should add that Access is closed.
Anything jump out? Thanks again.
oversight either in Access or with my asp page and need some
First, here's the firefox error page I'm getting:
Press Release Output
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for ODBC Drivers error '80004005'
[Microsoft][ODBC Microsoft Access Driver] Could not use '(unknown)';
file already in use.
/pressRelForm/output.asp, line 15
I've created a simple access .mdb for press releases.
The name of the db is "pr.mdb".
The name of the table is "tblPR". There's only one.
The Field Names are "mmddyy" (Date/Time), "Title" (Text), "ReleaseID"
(AutoNumber, Primary Key), "PRContents" (Memo).
Each field has some dummy content.
I then placed it onto a test web server we'll call WEBTEST.
I then set the ODBC on WEBTEST with the following:
System DSN tab
-- Name: pr
-- Driver: Microsoft Access Driver (.mdb)
-- Hit "Select..." button, goes to correct directory:
* Nothing in place under Advanced for login name/password.
Then, insite c:\inetpub\wwwroot\pressrelform\, I created a page called
This is the page's code. It's simple stuff. Line 15 is the
Connect.Open "pr"
<% Option Explicit %>
<!-- #include virtual="common/adovbs.inc" -->
<H1>Press Release Output</H1>
Dim Connect, ReleaseListing
Set Connect = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Connect.Open "pr"
Set ReleaseListing = Connect.Execute("SELECT * FROM pr ORDER BY
do until ReleaseListing.EOF
<%=pr("mmddyy")%> <br>
<%=pr("Title")%> <br>
<%=pr("PRContents")%> <p>
<% ReleaseListing.MoveNext
loop %>
I should add that Access is closed.
Anything jump out? Thanks again.