Newbie: Screen size issues



As a new programmer, I was given the task of redesigning a web app for the
company using and vb. I built the app on my screen resolution of
1024x768 and now that the project is nearly over I have been asked to make
the app accessible and easy to navigate in a 800x600 environment. Is there
any easy way to keep the relative size of the objects on a page the same
reguardless of the screen size, or am I stuck redesigning all of my pages?

Any help would be much appreciated.


Weston Weems

Well Chris,

I dont really consider this an aspnet problem, but it is
common enough. I dont think your going to find the answer
in itself, but rather in css.

In css, you an apply a style of 2 em, and assuming the
rest of the pages are css compliant and such, you should
have approximately the same rendering on any number of

em (ems, the height of the element's font)
ex (x-height, the height of the letter "x")
px (pixels, relative to the canvas resolution)

Anyway, I think that could help. Also checkout if you never have. CSS is

Weston Weems

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