Newbie Question - Intellisense with this.OnLoad event


Damien Sawyer

Hello all,

I'm in the process of transfering from VB to C# and am having a bit of
trouble getting the hang of the intellisense.

I wish to add events to my form - in this case, the onLoad event. I've
been in the habbit of typing object.event+=.... The intellisense then
kicks in and, as you'd all know, builds the method signatures for me
when I press [tab].

However, this doesn't seem to work with the form events - ie
this.OnLoad+= does nothing.

Can someone please help?

Thanks in advance,

Damien Sawyer

John Davison

Damien said:
Hello all,

I'm in the process of transfering from VB to C# and am having a bit of
trouble getting the hang of the intellisense.

I wish to add events to my form - in this case, the onLoad event. I've
been in the habbit of typing object.event+=.... The intellisense then
kicks in and, as you'd all know, builds the method signatures for me
when I press [tab].

However, this doesn't seem to work with the form events - ie
this.OnLoad+= does nothing.

Can someone please help?

Thanks in advance,

Damien Sawyer

This works the same way in C#. Perhaps the object you are trying to add
the event to doesn't support it.


Damien Sawyer

Hi John,

Sorry - maybe I didn't make myself clear. That += code 'was' for C#.

form most definate does support the onLoad event - it's a primary event.

My question is, how do I automatically generate a method for it.

Thanks again in advance


John Davison

Damien said:
Hi John,

Sorry - maybe I didn't make myself clear. That += code 'was' for C#.

form most definate does support the onLoad event - it's a primary event.

My question is, how do I automatically generate a method for it.

Thanks again in advance


I'm sorry, I should have read your post a little more closely. It
should be

this.Load +=


this.OnLoad +=


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