newbie question IF OR BUT???



I'm trying to use excel to do some calculations. I have a value in
cell (call it A2) that I want to multiply by the value in another cel
(call it B2) and show the result in C2. This I can do where th
formula in C2 is (=A2*B2).

Here's the wrinkle. If A2 is > 10, I want to multiply if by B2 to ge
C2. If A2 is < 10, I want to multiply 10 by B2 with the result show
in C2

What I'm trying to say is if A2>10, C2=A2*B2 but if A2<10, C2 = 10*B2.
I just can't get the symbology right




can use standard if statement but you better know what you want if
click on function button then select if statement and enter th
expression to be tested,result if true and result if fals

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