Newbie needs help with Excel hyperlink issue!



I have hyperlinks between Excel and a Word document. I have set
bookmarks so that the hyperlinks jump to the appropriate spots.

Problem is this whichever Excel hyperlink I use first will open up word
and start at the appropriate bookmark, however once Word is open
clicking on any further hyperlinks does nothing. If I close Word again
and click on any Excel hyperlink it will always go to the right spot on
the document the first time Word opens it, but thereafter nothing!

Help what do I do?


wonderful community here after posting this topic for the third time and
now several days later no one has even given me one ounce of help.
thanks everyone!

J.E. McGimpsey

Unfortunately, you are using Excelforum, which appears to munge the
references in newsgroup messages, so I can't tell what your original
post was. You may want to connect to them directly.

And I don't know anything about whether or not people look at posts
in Excelforum - I'm reading them via the microsoft.public.excel.misc
newsgroup, and my reply is assuming that you were addressing the
newsgroup, not Excelforum.

In doing a Google search of the archives for your posts:

I see only two posts with the same topic, and the second one added
no information (it takes 4 to 8 hours to show up in the archives
after it reaches the newsgroup). There's also a thread labelled
"Reading bookmarks from Word in hyperlink" (which I've just replied
to, though from your more recent posts, it appears you found the

Nobody owes you anything on these groups. Nobody gets paid to answer
questions, nor should they be subjected to sarcasm. MOST questions
get answered, and fairly quickly. Some don't.

There are a couple of reasons that posts don't get answered:

1) Your problem statement is unclear - doesn't appear to be the case
here, but instead of posting "Can anyone help me?????????????" (they
would have if they could have), it is often helpful to rework your
question with more information.

2) You posted a problem that nobody else has, or knows the solution
to - that may be the case here - I have never experienced your
problem, certainly.

3) You posted in the wrong newsgroup - that isn't strictly the case
here, but you may have more luck posting in
microsoft.public.excel.links. The overlap in readers between .links
and .misc is significant, but the issue might trigger someone
knowledgeable to look at it in the .links forum that might not catch
their attention in the heavier traffic of .misc.

4) It slips through the cracks - everyone here is a volunteer, and
reads messages as they choose, often based solely on the subject
line. In this case, I'm positive that many of the regulars read it,
as "Newbie" and "hyperlink" are subject words that tend to attract
attention (as long as the question *is* a newbie question - othrwise
it just ticks people off). That's why I'd guess the reason was #2.

You might want to look at

for tips on using these groups effectively.

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