Newbie: How to preview a report of a record selected in a form


Frank Krogh

Problem I:
I have made a form to display and edit the fields of a selected record. I
have added a combobox with three columns (included a hidden PK) to select a

When a row is selected in the combobox, the combobox only shows the value
from one of the two displayed columns.

How do I make the combobox display values in both columns after the

Problem II:
In the form I have also added a command button that opens a report preview.

How can I make the report preview display the selected record and not all
the records in the table?

Thanks for suggestions

Frank Krogh

Allen Browne

A1: Combo
Use a query as the RowSource of the combo.
In query design, concatenate the two fields together.
For example, you might type this into the Field row of the query:
FullName: [FirstName] & " " & [Surname]

Alternatively, you can place a text box alongside the combo, and show the
value from the 3rd column by putting this into the ControlSource of the text
Note that the first column is number zero.

A2: Print This Record button
This code assumes a primary key named "ID":

Private Sub cmdPrint_Click()
If Me.Dirty Then
Me.Dirty = False
End If
If Me.NewRecord Then
DoCmd.OpenReport "MyReport", acViewPreview, , "ID = " & Me.ID
End If
End Sub

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