Newbie Help



I have a Hitachi VM-D865LA Digital Camcorder and A Dell Dimension 8400 Media
Center computer. I have my camcorder hooked up to my computer with an IEEE
1394 cable. I capture my video to movie maker but when I look at the clips
and play the first part of the clips plays just fine but then I get to a
certain point in the clips and they play and sound like they are on fast
forward. Will the play fine wneh I run the movie or is there a problem that
I am overlooking? What can I do to fix this problem?



PapaJohn \(MVP\)

do a test render to a lower quality movie such as one of the Pocket PC
choices... if it plays back smoothly then there's nothing wrong with the
captured file and it's more of your system's capability to play it back.

John Kelly


If these clips are captured seperatly then it might be that you have a
poor firewire cable to camera/computer problem causing an indexing problem
due to a bad connection on one of the pins. You may be able to re-index that
captured file by going to the Microsoft site and downloading the Windows
Media Encode. The act of opening your problem file with the encode and
simply closing it again will cause the re-indexing to occur.

I can not offhand remember all of the issues, but, if your firewire card
is based on the Texas Instruments chipset and was manufactured prior to this
year then you may always have problems.

If the clips you refer to are all clips from the same capture then there
is a chance that you have a bad instalation of software....unfortunately
that means there are a lot of possible solutions and may require more than
one "fix" Things you can Service Pack 2 and the Directx and
Codec packs from MIcrosoft...DO NOT do that over a live internet the full files first. If that does not solve your
problem (and this is less likely to solve your problem than any of the
above) download the free program called Rename Codecs from my website and
get rid of all the known problem codecs....the feature in Movie Maker does
not always work.

Hope this helps a little.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly

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