Newbie: Connecting to remote database



My site is finished, the application works, everything is perfect. I just
can't figure out how to connect to this database so that I can alter or add
rows to my database. I know nothing about this, and every tutorial I found
assumes some level of knowledge that I obviously don't posess. I downloaded
myODBC, tried to step through the process, but i just can't figure out what
to do.

I tried this tutorial, for instance,
but when I get to the myODBC setup step, it all goes wrong, because what
they say is going to happen does not happen.

I know this is annoying to people who have been doing this for years, but
can you help a brother out? I need instructions like you would give to a
retarded child.


You didn't say what type the remote database is. Assuming that you got "Test
Successful" when you setup the ODBC link:

1. In the Access database click on the Tables object
2. Click on New
3. Click on Link Table
4. In "Files of Type" (at the bottom of the window) click on the dropdown
and scrolling to the very bottom click on ODBC Databases
5. Click on the appropriate tab (probably Machine Data Source), scroll down to
the ODBC name you created, highlight it and click OK
(Entering the password, if prompted)
6. In the list of tables, you can highlight as many as you need and click OK

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