Newbie Command line problems



I have tried to compile a custom control into a dll so that I can add it to
the Visual Studio .NET General toolbox, but I keep getting the message: 'csc'
is not a valid command, etc.

The command I am using is: C:> csc /target:library myfilename.cs

I have tried this command from the root (C:>) drive, from the debug folder,
but to no avail.

Could someone please tell me what I an doing wrong?


cashdeskmac said:
I have tried to compile a custom control into a dll so that I can add it to
the Visual Studio .NET General toolbox, but I keep getting the message:
is not a valid command, etc.

The command I am using is: C:> csc /target:library myfilename.cs

I have tried this command from the root (C:>) drive, from the debug
but to no avail.

Could someone please tell me what I an doing wrong?

Are you using the cmd.exe or the shortcut created by Visual studio?
On my machine, I can find it at
start > Programs > Visual Studio .net 2003 > Visual Studio tools > visual
studio .net 2003 command prompt




hi cashdeskmac:

You need to run command prompt in the menu-->Microsoft Visual Studio 2003-->visual studio tools-->visual studio .net 2003 command prompt
then compile your source.


Nick Malik

In addition to the other suggestions, you can simply add the framework
directory to the default PATH and you can access this command from any
command window.

--- Nick

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