David Gurevitz
I've a network with 26 Windows 98 SE PC's, using since de beginneing
IPX/SPX protocol (itns't a Novell Netware!).
I've been tryng to connect a new PC using Windows XP Pro, but it didn't
at all!
I read all the recomendations of Chuck and I've tryed them, but it didn't
fix it!
What I've already done:
1. I already stoped browsing for the XP Pro PC;
2. I configured that PC for using IPX/SPX protocol (disabled the TCPIP on
network card), but I can't connect or map any drive of the network; .
3. No firewall is beeing used, neither anti-virus
4. RestrictAnonymous was set to 00000000.
When I let browsing enabled at XP, then I can see a network with only my
machine; when I don't, then I see nothing, except a message about no
permition to access the server (myself)...
I need to prepare a file server using XP(to use RAID and SATA), but I can't
set it up!!
Could it help to change for Windows XP Pro SP2?
I've a network with 26 Windows 98 SE PC's, using since de beginneing
IPX/SPX protocol (itns't a Novell Netware!).
I've been tryng to connect a new PC using Windows XP Pro, but it didn't
at all!
I read all the recomendations of Chuck and I've tryed them, but it didn't
fix it!
What I've already done:
1. I already stoped browsing for the XP Pro PC;
2. I configured that PC for using IPX/SPX protocol (disabled the TCPIP on
network card), but I can't connect or map any drive of the network; .
3. No firewall is beeing used, neither anti-virus
4. RestrictAnonymous was set to 00000000.
When I let browsing enabled at XP, then I can see a network with only my
machine; when I don't, then I see nothing, except a message about no
permition to access the server (myself)...
I need to prepare a file server using XP(to use RAID and SATA), but I can't
set it up!!
Could it help to change for Windows XP Pro SP2?