New Web Project - OK Button Disabled


Jim Wrenholt

I Cannot create a new web project. I have a small network running in
my home using workgroups and not domains. This network has been
running fine for several months.

When I select File:New:project:Visual Basic Projects:ASP.NET Web
Application the dialog shows the location
http://localhost/WebApplication1. This doesn't work because I don't
have IIS running on the client machine. When I try to browse to my
server's wwwroot the OK button disables and I can't create a project.

I have recently upgraded to Visual Studio .NET 2003. Running on
Windows XP Pro. This machine does not have IIS.

I have IIS 6.0 running on a separate server, Windows 2003 Server. I
installed the server components for Visual Studio .NET 2003. I have
given full priveleges to VS Developer. the client user name is a
member of VS Developer.

From the client I can access and run html and aspx pages on the server
using Internet Explorer 6.0. I can create folders and files on the
server from the client.

Any ideas of what else to try?

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