new user in Limited user



can i make another account in a Limited account if i have
another account that is an administraor and password
protected, but i know the password just if i boot into
the account my computer goed haywire.... so can i "run
as" the account program some how?


if you can get in the computer as an administrator, or any account with an
administrator priveleges, you can create another account with (a)
administrator priveleges and/or (b) limited access.

just open control panel and then open the users accounts applet.

best regards,

| can i make another account in a Limited account if i have
| another account that is an administraor and password
| protected, but i know the password just if i boot into
| the account my computer goed haywire.... so can i "run
| as" the account program some how?
I'm glad you managed to get something out of that stream of

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