new to wmm PROGRAM (NOT RESPONDING) please help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



First of all I am fairly new to all of this...I just purchased my new pc and am trying to make some home video and then transfer to DVD. I have a digital camera and an analog camcorder. I am making for now my video through the digital camera. Some of these abbreviations and posts have me pretty lost with all these different problems. My problem is first I drag and add my clips to the storyboard/timeline. Some of the video I have are 10sec+. I click on the clip in the storyboard/timeline and press play and the clip only plays for a few seconds and not its entirety. When I add all the clips I want to make my movie I wanted to add some transitions/effects and the program freezes. Why? It has a message of (NOT RESPONDING) when I click on to report the problem and to see the details of the problem it shows that there is a codec problem... What does this mean and what can I do to resolve this problem or work around the problem...
Thank You for your support and help.

PapaJohn \(MVP\)


Your starting point is probably the Problem Solving > Acceleration and
Codecs page of my website.... the issues covered there account for the vast
majority of the hangs/locks/crashes.

Movie Maker 2 -
Photo Story 2 -

eric said:
First of all I am fairly new to all of this...I just purchased my new pc
and am trying to make some home video and then transfer to DVD. I have a
digital camera and an analog camcorder. I am making for now my video
through the digital camera. Some of these abbreviations and posts have me
pretty lost with all these different problems. My problem is first I drag
and add my clips to the storyboard/timeline. Some of the video I have are
10sec+. I click on the clip in the storyboard/timeline and press play and
the clip only plays for a few seconds and not its entirety. When I add all
the clips I want to make my movie I wanted to add some transitions/effects
and the program freezes. Why? It has a message of (NOT RESPONDING) when I
click on to report the problem and to see the details of the problem it
shows that there is a codec problem... What does this mean and what can I
do to resolve this problem or work around the problem....

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