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So I'm trying to create a timesheet program for our office, using tw
or three worksheets. 1) The job list. 2) The timesheet 3) Th

1) The job list has 100 projects.

2) The timesheet goes to ten people. Currently, using forms, I'v
designed it so that users select the ten or so projects they're workin
on (out of the universe supplied by #1)

3) Information from #2 needs to get consolidated on #3. Some project
will be worked on, others will not be, etc.


As of now, I've figured out #1 and part of #2. For #2, I've used pul
down form windows, so users can self-select the right projects.
like this idea, because no data entry is required, information i
valid, etc.

Two problems: The projects won't show up on #2 in any consisten
order. So how do I tally the scores?


Job list:

1. Wash Car
2. Dump Trash
3. Cook dinner.


[created by user]

3. Cook dinner. 4 hours
1. Wash Car 6 hours



1. Wash Car --------
2. Dump Trash --------
3. Cook dinner. ---------


So I've got information in sequence for two of the worksheets, an
randomly appearing (and certainly shorter) on the timesheet.

I'm trying to figure out a formula that gets to "If they picked th
second project, let the value of the time in [the cell on that same ro
relating to hours] be X.

Also, the other big question has to do with effecient ways t
consolidate the 10 timesheets / users. Do I use one workbook with te
pages, or a shared worksheet, or what?

I realize this is probably best left to access, but we've got
cross-platform office, and I'm trying to knock something out that'


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