New Loop, 2 workbooks



Hello all,
I have workbook A and workbook B. Both are the same, 130 sheets each. I need
to copy colum B from workbook B (which has changes) to A. I'm looking for a
loop that will start off on sheet 2 of both workbooks then go to the next
sheet (3) etc, to the end of both workbooks.



Sub Copy_Col_B()

Set Bk1 = Workbooks("A.xls")
Set Bk2 = Workbooks("B.xls")

For Sht = 2 To Bk1.Sheets.Count
Bk1.Sheets(Sht).Columns("B").Copy _
Next Sht

End Sub


Thanks, but it did not seem to work. And, I change it a bit, but sines it did
not work, it didn't. Here is what I'm trying to do. Question, I see where Bk1
changes to the next sheet, but when does Bk2 change to the next sheet?

Sub FuelCopy()

Set Bk1 = Workbooks("CMS Fuel Update20080801.xls")
Set Bk2 = Workbooks("CMS Fuel Update20080905.xls")

For Sht = 2 To Bk1.Sheets.Count
Bk1.Sheets(Sht).Columns("B").Copy _
Windows("CMS Fuel Update20080905.xls").Activate
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlAll, Operation:=xlNone,
SkipBlanks:=False _
, Transpose:=False
Cells.Replace What:="[CMS Fuel Update20080801.xls]", Replacement:="", _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False

Next Sht

End Sub


You don't need to activate and window when using the copy method like I did.
You also didn't reference the sht with your new REPLACE mwthod statement.
The code depends on the worksheets being in the same order in the two
workbooks. I'm referecing each worksheet by the index number 1 to 130 with
sheets(Sht). I added a method 2 below which I think is a little bit more

method 1

Sub FuelCopy()

Set Bk1 = Workbooks("CMS Fuel Update20080801.xls")
Set Bk2 = Workbooks("CMS Fuel Update20080905.xls")

For Sht = 2 To Bk1.Sheets.Count
Bk1.Sheets(Sht).Columns("B").Copy _
Bk2.sheets(Sht).Cells. _
Replace What:="[CMS Fuel Update20080801.xls]", _
Replacement:="", _
LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _

Next Sht

End Sub

method 2

Sub FuelCopy()

Set Bk1 = Workbooks("CMS Fuel Update20080801.xls")
Set Bk2 = Workbooks("CMS Fuel Update20080905.xls")

For Sht = 2 To Bk1.Sheets.Count
ShtName = BK1.Sheets(Sht).Name
Bk1.Sheets(ShtName).Columns("B").Copy _
Bk2.sheets(ShtName).Cells. _
Replace What:="[CMS Fuel Update20080801.xls]", _
Replacement:="", _
LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _

Next Sht

End Sub

pgarcia said:
Thanks, but it did not seem to work. And, I change it a bit, but sines it did
not work, it didn't. Here is what I'm trying to do. Question, I see where Bk1
changes to the next sheet, but when does Bk2 change to the next sheet?

Sub FuelCopy()

Set Bk1 = Workbooks("CMS Fuel Update20080801.xls")
Set Bk2 = Workbooks("CMS Fuel Update20080905.xls")

For Sht = 2 To Bk1.Sheets.Count
Bk1.Sheets(Sht).Columns("B").Copy _
Windows("CMS Fuel Update20080905.xls").Activate
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlAll, Operation:=xlNone,
SkipBlanks:=False _
, Transpose:=False
Cells.Replace What:="[CMS Fuel Update20080801.xls]", Replacement:="", _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False

Next Sht

End Sub

Joel said:
Sub Copy_Col_B()

Set Bk1 = Workbooks("A.xls")
Set Bk2 = Workbooks("B.xls")

For Sht = 2 To Bk1.Sheets.Count
Bk1.Sheets(Sht).Columns("B").Copy _
Next Sht

End Sub

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