New IIS server...FP 2003 won't login...



I was having problems with my web server, so replaced it...beforehand, I had
exported all of my websites to FP packages, and also made file-level backups.

Put the new server up, created new directories to house the websites,
installed FPSE on them (this is all Win2k3 BTW), no problems. Then, wanted to
login to the first website to import it's package...but I got the infamous FP
error message to the effect of the name contains a / or something. Well, the
ISP doesn't want me in their data center all day, so instead of fighting with
it, I copied the files & directories from the otherbackups into the new
folders I had created. Presto, the websites were up and running...but FP
still won't log in. Now it just endlessly repeats the challenge for the user
name and password, and doesn't get anywhere else. The problem happens when
trying to use FP on the server itself as well as on a remote machine.

Any ideas?

Oh, on a whim I uninstalled and reinstalled FPSE on one of hte sites. FP
then prompted for the login twice, then gave an error message to the effect
of "you don't have authority to access this folder."


OK...that workaround of turning off integrated and using basic signon seems
to work - but I have a couple questions...

First, why is this the only server I've ever had out of many with Win2k3 and
FP2003 that needed the workaround? And also, it seems to me to be not a
grand idea to be sending my authentication information in clear text, so is
there actually a "fix" somewhere besides this workaround?

Thomas A. Rowe

Suggest you post to the Windows Server newsgroup.

Thomas A. Rowe
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

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