New hardware found problem



Has anyone ever come upon a problem where the computer always comes up with
"Found New Printer" wizard every time it is started. It never finds drivers
for the phantom printer as it does not exist. All printers on the system
have the latest drivers installed. The OS is Windows XP Pro SP2.

It does not tell what model it is and it finds no driver. If you tell it not
to detect this device in future it just ignores you and the cycle repeats
itself. This is not on my system so further questions may take a while for
me to answer.
I've tried searching Kellys site but, as much as I love that girl, I have to
say that the abundance of information makes finding what you need difficult
to say the least.



Thank you Bob I;
I'll pass this along. It looks right for the situation. My first thought
was that some software was trying to install a virtual printer and that
situation always makes me a bit wary when the user says they don't remember
what software they installed recently.
Now I'll ask the cajun princess why that wasn't easy to find on her site
;-). Although I'm sure it's there someplace. I guess I better try to
update my Knowledgebase.mdb file. It's about 3 years old now.

Again thanks and I hope this works for him. If not I'll be back

Bob I

You're welcome. Kelly doesn't attempt to replicate everything from the
KB, mostly she hits the "high volume" problems.


That won't stop me from teasing her a bit though ;=)
Now the bad news. Apparently that article was already found and tried.
Perhaps a little deeper in you bag of tricks you could find another?

Bob I

You mention "All printers on the system", try disconnecting the printers
until the issue stops, that should ID the "defective" installation.


I'll pass that on but from what I remember in the first conversation that
had been tried. Also no Printers have recently been added to the system.
That's why I was thinking more that it was relatedto something like Office
document image writer or the PDF writer. But He has re-installed both
Office and Acrobat and the issue continues. I think I'll tell him to
uninstall all the printers and then re-install them again. That might do
the trick, but only time will tell.


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