New error message



I got an error message this morning when using my Access 2007 database. I
later go a call from a friend who uses a similar db who reported that his db
started receiving the same error message. I am guessing a possible problem
with an update, but have no idea what to do. Both db's worked perfectly fine
before today. I tried restoring a backup copy of the same db from a previous
date, but got the same error message.

Anybody run into a similar problem? How do I find out from Microsoft if it
is an update error or request that they check the problem. I have a PDF of
the error message. Is there a way to attach it ot a message as in other



Thank you very much. Those "updates" were the problem. amazing how Microsoft
would improve a product by breaking another one. Don't they test this stuff
before releasing it?

One further question if I may. I use automatic updates. Now that I have
removed the two offending updates, at some point will automatic updates try
to reinstall them? Do I have to switch to manual updates?


Peter Hibbs


Yes, it will get installed again. I uninstalled the update this
morning and this afternoon, it tried to install itself again. However,
this time I allowed it to install because Robert from Kenworld
Computers has provided a registry fix which seems to cure the problem
and, I assume, still allows the security update to still work
correctly. You can download it from :-

Just unzip the file to your hard drive and double-click the file
Fix_msflxgrd_kb960715_kenworld.reg to install the fix. I would make a
restore point first to back up the registry, just in case. I can
confirm that this fix does cure the problem.


Peter Hibbs.

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