"new" computer



I was given a laptop that is running Windows XP. What is the easiest way to
change the registered owners name or do I have to reinstall XP?

Fawn Dobie

You probably shouldn't try this at home <grin>, but the registered owner is
identified in the registry.

Start - Run - regedit
You can do a "find" for: registeredowner (no spaces) or navigate to
HKEY_Local_Machine - Software - Microsoft - WindowsNT - CurrentVersion
Right Mouse on: registeredOwner - select modify and make the change. Save,
Exit, (When you reboot you will see the new owner)
You might also want to change the Registered Organization (if one is
listed - one line up)

Bruce Chambers

Paul said:
I was given a laptop that is running Windows XP. What is the easiest way to
change the registered owners name or do I have to reinstall XP?

With second-hand computers, especially if acquired from strangers
but perhaps even if acquired from a family member or friend, your wisest
course of action would definitely be to format the hard drives and start
fresh. You don't want to get in trouble because the original owner may
have filled the hard drive with kiddie porn, or have problems because
the original owner downloaded/installed viruses or other malware.

However, to fix the "Registered to" information for WinNT/2K/XP,
you can use Start > Run > Regedit.exe to edit:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current Version\RegisteredOwner


HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\Current


Bruce Chambers

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