New Class inheriting the Inspector Class



I would like to create a custom Inspector to read Outlook messasges in,
ideally inherting the existing Insector class and allowing me to add
additional controls, like text boxes and buttons to the Inspector form. Is
this possible and if so how do I do it?


Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

I don't believe that's possible.

Normally one would intercept the NewInspector event of the Inspectors
collection and proxy any information from the Inspector.CurrentItem into a
separate form that has whatever controls you want shown, in addition to any
controls normally on the Inspector window. Then you close the Inspector and
show your form as a proxy for the Inspector.


I have already done that to some extent, by creating a form and filling text
boxes with info from the messages. But I want to take it a step futher and
make use of the Inspector Class's inherent ability to display Rich Text and
HTML formatted message content. I though a good way would be to try and
inherit the Inspector Class and add the other bits I need to it. If that is
not possible, can you think of another way I can display either either Rich
Text or HTML formatted content on a Windows form?

Thanks GP


Ken, I solved the problem by adding a WebBrowser control to my form and
setting the DocumentText property to equal the HTMLBody property of my
message. Works like a dream for HTML messages. I could use RichTextBox
control for Rich Text if necessary.

Thanks for your help

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