Networking 2 Computers



I currently have two computers which are both connected to the Internet using
a router. One of the PCs had Windows 98 and the other, XP, and I had created
a network between the two, so i could share files and the printer.

The PC with Windows 98 was currently reformatted, and it now has Windows XP.
Now both computers are running on Windows XP, and I want to set up that same
connection between both computers, but I am having trouble. I keep running
the network wizard or whatever that thing is, but it doesn't seem to help me
make a conection between both computers. Can someone please help me, and give
me instructions on how to connect both computers.


I currently have two computers which are both connected to the Internet using
a router. One of the PCs had Windows 98 and the other, XP, and I had created
a network between the two, so i could share files and the printer.

The PC with Windows 98 was currently reformatted, and it now has Windows XP.
Now both computers are running on Windows XP, and I want to set up that same
connection between both computers, but I am having trouble. I keep running
the network wizard or whatever that thing is, but it doesn't seem to help me
make a conection between both computers. Can someone please help me, and give
me instructions on how to connect both computers.

If both computers are connected to the router, and both can access the internet,
then you probably don't need to run the networking wizard again.

What problem are you having making a connection? Can you give us some error
messages or specific observations that you've made?

Please provide ipconfig information for each computer, so we can get a good idea
what to check next.
Start - Run - "cmd". Type "ipconfig /all >c:\ipconfig.txt" into the command
window - Open c:\ipconfig.txt in Notepad, make sure that Format - Word Wrap is
NOT checked!, copy and paste entire contents into your next post. Identify
operating system (by name, version, and SP level) with each ipconfig listing.

Here are a few websites with useful tutorials, if you want to try them:

Paranoia comes from experience - and is not necessarily a bad thing.
My email is AT DOT
actual address pchuck sonic net

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