network stopped working....



All of a sudden my win xp home network stopped working. If I look at the
mapped drive in My Computer it says "disconnected drive". If I try to access
any of my network places it says unable to restore connection. I have 2
ideas that may have triggered this. A few days ago my ISP had trouble and I
lost my internet connection for a day untill they fixed it, also I recently
ran AVG antivirus and spybot on both comps. Where do i start to troubleshoot
this? Do I just delete the workgroup and start over. I clicked on both
comp's Local Area Conn icon and chose "repair" and it still wont connect.
Setup is this
1 desktop..xp home
1 laptop ...xp home
Linksys router (wired)


I think I may know the cause of this but I dont know how to fix it. I have
been having trouble with my Linksys BEFSR41 router intermittantly dropping my
IP address. On advice from Linksys I updated the routers firmware, could
this have caused my network to stop working?


I think I may know the cause of this but I dont know how to fix it. I have
been having trouble with my Linksys BEFSR41 router intermittantly dropping my
IP address. On advice from Linksys I updated the routers firmware, could
this have caused my network to stop working?

If this problem is indeed related to the Linksys router, and firmware updates,
you may find help from the Linksys BBR Forum:


I will check that link out, I have no problem using hte internet but I can no
longer access the home network. I keep getting an error about permissions.


I will check that link out, I have no problem using hte internet but I can no
longer access the home network. I keep getting an error about permissions.

What's the entire error? Access denied can have one of several causes.

If the problem is not directly related to connectivity (hopefully to be resolved
in the Linksys forum), you could have a browser issue (I'm not talking about
Internet Explorer).

The Microsoft Browstat program will show us what browsers you have in your
domain / workgroup, at any time.

You can download Browstat from either:

Browstat is very small (40K), and needs no install. Just unzip the downloaded
file, copy browstat.exe to any folder in the Path, and run it from a command
window, by "browstat status". Make sure all computers give the same result.

For more information about the browser subsystem (very intricate), see:

Please provide browstat information for each computer.
Start - Run - "cmd". Type "browstat status >c:\browstat.txt" into the command
window - Open c:\browstat.txt in Notepad, copy and paste into your next post.
Identify each computer by name and operating system.

Also provide ipconfig information for each computer.
Start - Run - "cmd". Type "ipconfig /all >c:\ipconfig.txt" into the command
window - Open c:\ipconfig.txt in Notepad, make sure that Format - Word Wrap is
NOT checked!, copy and paste entire contents into your next post.


I fixed the problem, turned out my wife downloaded one of those "internet
optimizer" patches :( It messed with the TCP/IP settings and DNS cache.
Luckily the site had a reverse for the patch so it is up and running fine now


I fixed the problem, turned out my wife downloaded one of those "internet
optimizer" patches :( It messed with the TCP/IP settings and DNS cache.
Luckily the site had a reverse for the patch so it is up and running fine now

Ack. Malware using social engineering.

Thanks for the update.

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