Network Share+File.Copy+Logon Failure



I am sharing a network drive, by using the following code (C# Code using
public void ShareMap(string machineName, string username, string password, string ShareName

System.Management.ManagementScope sc = null

ConnectionOptions co = null


co = new ConnectionOptions()

co.Impersonation = ImpersonationLevel.Impersonate

//co.Impersonation = ImpersonationLevel.Delegate

co.EnablePrivileges = true

if (machineName.ToUpper() == Environment.MachineName.ToUpper()

sc = new ManagementScope(@"\ROOT\CIMV2", co)


co.Username = username

co.Password = password

sc = new ManagementScope(@"\\" + machineName + @"\ROOT\CIMV2", co)


ManagementBaseObject inParams = null
ManagementClass classObj = new ManagementClass(sc, new ManagementPath("Win32_Share"), null)
inParams = classObj.GetMethodParameters("Create")
inParams["Access"] = null; // default Security descriptor use
inParams["Description"] = "Shared for Admin Purposes"
inParams["MaximumAllowed"] = 10
inParams["Name"] = ShareName
inParams["Password"] = password
inParams["Path"] = @"c:\"
inParams["Type"] = 0; // Disk drive 0, print queue
ManagementBaseObject outParams = classObj.InvokeMethod("Create", inParams, null)

catch (Exception ex

throw ex



and then trying to copy using

string sSource = @"c:\temp\test.exe"
string sExepath = @"\\"+sRemoteMachineName+@"\C$\test.exe"
// Copy the file
File.Copy(sSource, sExepath,true)

This is when I get th
System.Io.Exception: Logon Failure: unknown user name or bad password, Error. I dont get this error when I am running thee application as a C# Console application. But when I run the same code in an web page. I have these problems

Any feedback would be appreciated

I need to be able to dynamically share drives on different machines and copy file


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