Network Operations Center Setup Questions


Thomas M.

This is an appeal for general information. Please let me know if this
message should be posted in another group.

We are in the beginning stages of setting up a network operations and
security center. We have an idea of mounting a number of LCD TVs up on the
wall so that we can display the data from our various monitoring tools. In
we estimate 20-30 workstations and 12-16 LCDs. Ideally, Bill on workstation
1 could say, "Check out what I found," and throw it up on an LCD for
to see, and that might then trigger a thought by Nancy on workstation 7 who
could then put her work up on another screen, and so forth. We think that
kind of highly dynamic environment will accelerate the speed with which we
respond to events.

One problem... While we can imagine this level of functionality, no one in
our fledgling group has ever setup something like this. Can anyone provide
us with information regarding the hardware and software required to achieve
the kind of functionality we are seeking?



This is an appeal for general information.  Please let me know if this
message should be posted in another group.

We are in the beginning stages of setting up a network operations and
security center.  We have an idea of mounting a number of LCD TVs up onthe
wall so that we can display the data from our various monitoring tools.  In
we estimate 20-30 workstations and 12-16 LCDs.  Ideally, Bill on workstation
1 could say, "Check out what I found," and throw it up on an LCD for
to see, and that might then trigger a thought by Nancy on workstation 7 who
could then put her work up on another screen, and so forth.  We think that
kind of highly dynamic environment will accelerate the speed with which we
respond to events.

One problem...  While we can imagine this level of functionality, no one in
our fledgling group has ever setup something like this.  Can anyone provide
us with information regarding the hardware and software required to achieve
the kind of functionality we are seeking?

"Check out what I found," and throw it up on an LCD for <
Why "throw" it up? Rather drastic, yes? Or is this the "macho" way to
install whatever you intend installing? Imagine some total stranger
who happens to walk into this "secure" area
(bearing in mind you have only just started "throwing" the setup
together ergo; strangers have no security to avoid/stop them) only to
see numerous "LCD" (monitors??) flying around willy-nilly, completely
out of control, smashing to the floor but all showing what Nancy of
even Bill has seen. So....rather than total chaos....why not use the
word "SHOW" as it is one letter short of "throw" hence easier/quicker
to type....and FAR less confusing to the reader (of your statement/
Now, as far as your ability/feasability/expertise of constructing this
excercise in technology.................I have no idea! Good luck,
tho'....and double up on your personal insurance policy, though. :)

Engin Tarhan

I think that, having no direct relationship with windowsxp at all, this
message should be posted in another newsgroup, possibly on another

Other than that, the idea of setting up a security system using "free"
suggestions obtained from a newsgroup mainly focusing on solving problems
makes me feel very insecure indeed.

I believe that in your country (I assume USA) there are some respectable
persons and companies who earn a living designing similar systems. They are
the best kind of hardware and software which could be suggested.

Good luck,
Engin Tarhan

Thomas M.

Thanks. We'll look into using that kind of device. It's not the kind of
solution that I was initially thinking about, but now that you mentioned it,
I suppose that it might be as simple as using a KVM switch. Maybe I was
trying to make it too complicated.


Thomas M.

I think that, having no direct relationship with windowsxp at all, this
message should be posted in another newsgroup, possibly on another

I wanted to find a forum for data centers because I think they might use
similar setups, but I haven't been able to find such a forum. If you are
aware of one, please let me know. Also, I posted the question in the group (with a request to be pointed
to a more appropriate forum), knowing that's not really the right place
either, but figuring that some of the people who follow that group would
have experience in this area. I got no responses. This may not be the
right group, but I wasn't able to find a better option, and I needed to
start somewhere.
Other than that, the idea of setting up a security system using "free"
suggestions obtained from a newsgroup mainly focusing on solving problems
makes me feel very insecure indeed.

The question has nothing to do with security. Yes, the displays will be
used in an environment where network security is part of the job, but the
question is merely, "How do we make X number of LCDs available on demand to
Y number of workstations?" To me, that just deals with what kinds of
hardware and software might be involved. As for security, the room sits
behind 3 card access steal doors and two hallways blanketed with cameras,
and we are segmented from the rest of the network. I realize that where
there is a physical connection to the rest of the network, there is a
potential vulnerability, but that's the world we live in and we wouldn't be
able to monitor network operation without some form of connection.
I believe that in your country (I assume USA) there are some respectable
persons and companies who earn a living designing similar systems. They
are the best kind of hardware and software which could be suggested.

Perhaps, but I don't live in a major city where one might find such
expertise, and hiring consultants is not in the budget for at least the next
6 months.



I wanted to find a forum for data centers because I think they might use
similar setups, but I haven't been able to find such a forum.  If you are
aware of one, please let me know.  Also, I posted the question in the group (with a request to be pointed
to a more appropriate forum), knowing that's not really the right place
either, but figuring that some of the people who follow that group would
have experience in this area.  I got no responses.  This may not be the
right group, but I wasn't able to find a better option, and I needed to
start somewhere.

The question has nothing to do with security.  Yes, the displays will be
used in an environment where network security is part of the job, but the
question is merely, "How do we make X number of LCDs available on demand to
Y number of workstations?"  To me, that just deals with what kinds of
hardware and software might be involved.  As for security, the room sits
behind 3 card access steal doors and two hallways blanketed with cameras,
and we are segmented from the rest of the network.  I realize that where
there is a physical connection to the rest of the network, there is a
potential vulnerability, but that's the world we live in and we wouldn't be
able to monitor network operation without some form of connection.

Perhaps, but I don't live in a major city where one might find such
expertise, and hiring consultants is not in the budget for at least the next
6 months.


"As for security, the room sits behind 3 card access "steal"
So tell me, Thomas M. Why are there "steal" doors & whatever ARE
"steal" doors for? Are they there to test your security in some
outlandish "steal these doors at your peril".
or "If anyone can "steal" these doors our security is total shit."
Have you ever thought seriously of taking up another type of
employment? potato growing, tidal wave-watching....or even
fire-walking?? I seem to get the feeling that you & "security" just
don't bond in any way. I just hope you haven't invested TOO much of
your time in it. :-(

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