Network Issue with Save As



My Windows XP computer can open shared files on all computers in the office
(XP, Win ME, Win 98), can save changes to all files. But when I try "save as"
on Win ME and 98 I get an error message. Other WinXP computers have no
problem. Any suggestions? We are using Home Networking


uncheck lock taskbar, size it up, size it down again then check lock taskbar.
how many open windows are we talking about?
are the windows grouping?

Costea Bogdan

Budget Print Center

save to your desktop or other common folder, copy (or drag & Drop) to a
folder on your win98.... "save as" to ANY other computer can be a tricky
deal.. IMHO, its not a good idea.


Whether one or several are open doesn't matter. The issue is the "Save As"
of a file I am not given access.


That is a good point. However after a couple of years of doing this without
any problems, I'm reluctant to stop.

Budget Print Center

understood... what application are we talking about? ms office products have
a hard time because of the ntfs and fat32 filing system issues(so i'm told)
and could produce unexpected results if any at all...

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