Network hub - can see but can't access??



I've just added my new Dell PC to an existing Hub on an MSHOME network.

I am able to log into the new machine and browse the internet using the new
machine, but when I try to access any of the other machines using My Network
Places I can see all of them but cannot access any of them. I also cannot see
the new PC from the already working machines.

I have missed something simple - can anyone advise me what silly mistake I
have made please?


I've just added my new Dell PC to an existing Hub on an MSHOME network.

I am able to log into the new machine and browse the internet using the new
machine, but when I try to access any of the other machines using My Network
Places I can see all of them but cannot access any of them. I also cannot see
the new PC from the already working machines.

I have missed something simple - can anyone advise me what silly mistake I
have made please?


Your problem is reported here from time to time. Frequently, it's caused by a
misconfigured or overlooked personal firewall, or other security component.
There are several other possibilities too, and any might be the cause of your
problem. Read this article with an open mind.

For more direct help, provide "browstat status" and "ipconfig /all" from each
computer, so we can diagnose the problem. Read this article, and linked
articles, and follow instructions precisely (download browstat!):

Please let us know if any of these suggestions are of any help. What you learn
may help others in the future, and that's the purpose of these forums.


Thanks Chuck.

Indeed, it was a personal firewall in Norton Internet Security. Why on why I
never check this first is beyond me - and why Dell Support never asked me to
check for this is just silly!


Thanks Chuck.

Indeed, it was a personal firewall in Norton Internet Security. Why on why I
never check this first is beyond me - and why Dell Support never asked me to
check for this is just silly!

Thanks for the update, Ritchie.

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