



I hope this is the correct forum to ask this question.

I have been trying to use the Netstat function (in Windows
2000, of course) problem is that i can get it to run,
but i can't get the window to stay open! it displays the
info and shuts down in a blink of an eye...i'm sorry if
this is an amateurish query, but i really have no clue how
to keep that window open as it displays the info i

Any help, much appreciated.

Paul R. Sadowski

cmd /k keeps the cmd window open so...

cmd /k netstat -a

for example. or
cmd /k netstat -a | more
if you have problems scrolling through the output.

Nimit Mehta

Its an amateursh query but we all have also passed by
phases you are right now into so never mind :)
When you execute a command line exe you have to be the
command prompt first, or else file will be executed and
will disappear. In RUN instead of typing NETSTAT type cmd
and hit enter. You will be on command prompt now. Use
netstat /? for options you can use.
have fun doing R&D.


Thank you.
-----Original Message-----
cmd /k keeps the cmd window open so...

cmd /k netstat -a

for example. or
cmd /k netstat -a | more
if you have problems scrolling through the output.




thank you.
-----Original Message-----
Its an amateursh query but we all have also passed by
phases you are right now into so never mind :)
When you execute a command line exe you have to be the
command prompt first, or else file will be executed and
will disappear. In RUN instead of typing NETSTAT type cmd
and hit enter. You will be on command prompt now. Use
netstat /? for options you can use.
have fun doing R&D.

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