

On my home network, I used the NET VIEW command (Net View /domain:MyDomain)
to generate the following output.

Server Name Remark

The command completed successfully.

What is the syntax of the DOS commands that would allow me to clean up this
list in the following ways:

* First I want to remove the FIRST 3 lines and the LAST line of the
above NET VIEW output
* Next I would like to remove the first 2 characters (\\) of each
remaining line
* Finally I want to remove the computer named MACHINE5 and insert
MAINmachine instead

Thanks in advances,

Walter Schulz

Server Name Remark

The command completed successfully.

What is the syntax of the DOS commands that would allow me to clean up this
list in the following ways:

* First I want to remove the FIRST 3 lines and the LAST line of the
above NET VIEW output
* Next I would like to remove the first 2 characters (\\) of each
remaining line
* Finally I want to remove the computer named MACHINE5 and insert
MAINmachine instead

What is the purpose? Why not just mark the entries you like, copy them
and paste them into a txt file? Then you may search and replace the
strings you want.
Can't see the big deal here.

Ciao, Walter

PS: for /F "tokens=3 delims=\" %a in ('net view') do echo

Clay Calvert


On my home network, I used the NET VIEW command (Net View /domain:MyDomain)
to generate the following output.

Server Name Remark

The command completed successfully.

What is the syntax of the DOS commands that would allow me to clean up this
list in the following ways:

* First I want to remove the FIRST 3 lines and the LAST line of the
above NET VIEW output
* Next I would like to remove the first 2 characters (\\) of each
remaining line
* Finally I want to remove the computer named MACHINE5 and insert
MAINmachine instead

for /f "delims=\ " %%a in ('net view ^| find "\\"') do (
if %%a NEQ MACHINE5 (echo %%a) else (echo MAINmachine))

For bonus points, can you set the above to write the output to a text
file in either scenario with only one redirection statement?

I know the regulars can do it. ; )

Clay Calvert
(e-mail address removed)
Replace "W" with "L"



Thanks, your code works on my system.

How should I modify the code to direct output data into a TEXT file


Clay Calvert

Clay it always amazes me what you guys do with batch commands...

That's a tremendous honor coming from you. C++, and Active Directory,
are both greek to me and you are such a master at both of them.


Clay Calvert
(e-mail address removed)
Replace "W" with "L"

Clay Calvert


Thanks, your code works on my system.

How should I modify the code to direct output data into a TEXT file


Aw, now that's no fun. : ) I was hoping you'd give it a try, but I
guess not. I'll shorten the output file to CL.txt to minimize line
wrapping. The simplest way is this, but it requires two redirection

for /f "delims=\ " %%a in ('net view ^| find "\\"') do (
if %%a NEQ MACHINE5 (echo %%a>>CL.txt) else (echo

Here's how to do it with one redirection stattement.

@echo off>CL.txt
for /f "delims=\ " %%a in ('net view ^| find "\\"') do (
(if %%a NEQ MACHINE5 (echo %%a) else (echo MAINmachine)>>CL.txt))

The above is only three lines.

Clay Calvert
(e-mail address removed)
Replace "W" with "L"

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