.Net ShowHelp()



I am trying to use the built-in Help class for displaying a very basic help
file in an app that I have, but for the life of me I can't quite figure out
how to accomplish what I think should be a simple task - maybe someone out
there can help me out.

I am trying to get Help.ShowHelp() to display a .chm file with a specified
entry in the "Contents" tab selected. For example, say I have a layout
like the following in the Contents tab:

- Output
To file
To the Printer

- Input
From file
From Com1

Now, how do I use Help.ShowHelp() to select Output.To-the-Printer and have
the right Help panel display the associated help file. I can get ShowHelp
to display the right panel via the TopicID, but I can't figure out how to
get the Contents tab set insync with this. I want it to look as though the
user invoked the Help file and selected an item in the Contents Tab tree,
thusly displaying it's associated help contents.

Any help (no pun intended<g>) would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance,

Chris Nahr

Now, how do I use Help.ShowHelp() to select Output.To-the-Printer and have
the right Help panel display the associated help file. I can get ShowHelp
to display the right panel via the TopicID, but I can't figure out how to
get the Contents tab set insync with this. I want it to look as though the
user invoked the Help file and selected an item in the Contents Tab tree,
thusly displaying it's associated help contents.

Weird, that's how it should work by default. I never had this problem
but I'm not using topic IDs -- I just pass the name of the constituent
HTML file that I want to show. The page is displayed, and the
Contents tab automatically synchronizes itself:

Help.ShowHelp(parentControl, "MyHelpFile.chm", "Input.html");

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